Diva Rules 2010

Diva Rules 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Work It Out Wednesday! ~ Positive Emotional & Wellness Breakfast!

Good Morning DIVAs''!!!
I greet you with "Emotional Breakfast"! Yes! I purchased a book about months ago, by Brook Noel (whom focuses on living life to the fullest and, most importantly- a healthy one), called "Good Morning- 365 Positive Ways to Start your Day".  Each day is focused on a message of reflection and for the reader to actually practice living each day. Emotional health and wellness is essential for us to develop-- Having a positive spirit influences our thoughts and in turn our actions. It's very uplifting and inspiring & I wanted to share with my DIVA Rules family!

"October 13 
Death is not the biggest fear we have; our biggest fear is taking the risk to be alive and express what we really are- Don Miguel

.....Fear can be scar, Fear can cause people to get very creativ in how they deal with it. Instead of confronting fear, many people come up with excuse after excuse to avoid the discomfort that fear brings. These people view fear as a negative emotion, rather than a positive one. Many people make decisions in an attempt to avoid fear...they don't take a chance, or a risk, because something scares them, Sometimes it is external, More often, it is the monsters they make themselves.

Your Turn: Where in your life has fear been influencing your choices? Today, take a moment to to separate your fear from reality. Are you making any monsters in your life???

Today's Affirmation: I live FULLY and without fear!"

DIVAs' examine ourselves can this apply to us?? let's work-it-out!

Brook Noel is also author of "The Change Your Life Challenge". To receive Good Morning messages by email go to www.brooknoelstdio.com/goodmorning. To download additional inspirations and printables, visit Brook's FREE resource area at www.maketodaymatter.com

Enjoy your Day!!!

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