Diva Rules 2010

Diva Rules 2010

Saturday, September 25, 2010

SIRve it Up Saturdays ~featuring~ J. Mark Edwards

I hope everyone is enjoying this absolutley beautiful Saturday!  I'm so excited to introduce today's SIR.  He has helped to make me who I am and has always schooled me about men and life (to be a fly on the wall for some of those conversations lol).  Introducing, J.Mark Edwards, better known as my daddy.    

When I was asked to contribute some of my thoughts to this DIVAs blog, I had every intention on commenting on how I wish I could get our young men to get as serious about life as you young women apparently are, but these young knuckleheads frustrate me so much, that I didn’t want to subject you ladies to my potty-mouth.  Instead, I want to give you just a little advice about empowerment.  As you are regularly reading and contributing to this blog, I assume you are looking to better your existence; spiritually, professionally/financially, and from a health perspective (both physical and mental).  I want to touch on these (in no particular order).

  • Spiritually – Don’t underestimate the power of faith.  If you don’t have a religious base, I recommend trying to develop one.  Especially during the tough times, being anchored by faith can sometimes be the one positive that keeps you going.

  •  Health (Mental) – Some folks downplay the mental health aspect of their lives.  I don’t know anyone who hasn’t needed to vent.  Venting is good.  I recommend everyone have regular chats with a mental health professional.  We sometimes fear sharing our frailties with our best friends and loved ones, so an objective stranger could prove to be helpful in making sense of and giving perspective to some of the issues that are causing us stress.  Holding that stress in is not healthy, nor productive.  Give it a try.  What could it hurt.
·         Health (Physical) – Regardless what level of physical fitness you possess, we can all do a little better.  If you are a couch potato, get out and walk around the block.  That small endeavor may not seem like much, but combined with a healthier diet (more fruit and veggies, lean meat, less fat and sugar), as I tell my friends, “It’s more exercise than you got yesterday”  Eventually, you work you way up to 2 times around the block .  Maybe you build up to a run.  Maybe the wear and tear of the pavement is too much for your joints, find a pool and do a lap or 2.  Either way, it’s likely an improvement to your current exercise regiment.  You will be well on your way to strengthening the physical side to match the stronger spiritual and emotional you.

·         Finances - While Mega Millions and Power Ball has worked for a handful of individuals, getting the best education you can will put you in better position to “get paid” than someone without the same drive.  I’ve heard some recent grads who are between jobs question whether it was worth time, effort and COST to obtain a degree.  This is extremely short-sighted thinking.  Not the type of thinking I expect of anyone reading this blog.  This job environment is arguably the worst our country has ever seen.  To that end, please keep in mind, this economy WILL recover, and jobs WILL become available.  When this economy and job market turn for the better ( and no, I’m not smoking anything illegal, I know we could be a year away from signs of real recovery), those who are the best prepared will be the 1st to get scooped up.  As for being prepared, if you are between jobs, while you should continue to hit the pavement in pursuit of employment, I highly recommend upgrading your academic resume while you have the time.  An undergraduate degree is great!  A Master’s Degree is better, and a Doctorate is the home run. 

Surround yourselves with positive, uplifting, motivated and inspiring people.  Don’t sell yourselves short.  I truly believe you are reading this blog because you want to make a difference in your lives and subsequently in our community.  Now, if only we could figure out a way to bring the bruvahs along with you….

J. Mark Edwards is the Head of North American Funding for JPMorgan Chase Bank.  His daily responsibilities include managing JPM’s Reserve Account at the Federal Reserve Bank, coordinating the bank’s Global USD Book, and meeting with clients when Global Finance/Short Term Sector expertise is needed.  He is an active member of 100 Black Men of NY, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, and a past honoree of the Harlem YMCA Black Achievers in Industry.


  1. Thanks for this post! I hope the bruvahs who read will take something from this....* *skeephi xoxo**

