Another step to moving toward becoming a better human & DIVA, and conquering life's stressors is to learn how to APPRECIATE them & TRULY appreciate them!
"Why do we approach things that do not happen in the way we intend them to be as "wrong?"
(I'm guilty of it, at times)...a wise proverb says,"If you want to make GOD laugh, plan!"
In life, there are times that we selfishly go about our daily routine, in the constant "GO, GO, GO" mode and hardly ever STOP! to think and be conscious of the LIFE we have!
Sooo.... in getting back to the question @ hand....-
"Why do we approach things that do not happen in the way we intend them to be as "wrong?"
Control & not appreciating: "What Is"
GOD is the driver here DIVA's, and we are just along for the ride! We need to learn when to take a backseat, & recognize when we are trying to take over the steering wheel!
So for your Task:
1)- Learn to STOP! THINK! RELAX! When life's stressors (or speed-bumps) kick into full gear!
2)-When these stressors happen, ask yourself
a)- What does this mean? (Are we hurting emotionally? is there something we are trying to prove?)
b)- Am I getting to be ahead of myself?
3)-Pay attention to your body-we can get ill/sick, be physically distressed (DIVAs' we mostly gain weight)
You WILL be HAPPIER that you did!
Enjoy DIVA's
This is a moment we should cherish...
Diva Rules 2010
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Hello Gorgeous!!!
Yesss! I'm talking to you!
Haha, How many times have you (DIVA's) received compliments for being beautiful & great, whether in physical appearance, or through the ability to "Work It" in our careers, school, etc. and don't accept them???
Soo many of my young D.I.T.'s {Diva In Training) I work with (& my adult DIVAs' I know & have talked with several times over & known for years...) have struggled with accepting our essence of how AWESOME we truly are, yet others struggle with being stuck in the negative...we need to get over this hump
........Please understand this : we may say.... "thank you" to those compliments but deep down in our core & soul, we do not accept it! Why do we do this to ourselves?! I mean, really??
I want to focus on things we should know for sure & that means for us being able to accept what is...as I explained above. If you got it going on, you MUST accept it...by knowing this for sure will bring us closer to loving & treasuring ourselves...
Here's some points from Oprah's class (life-class) on helping ourselves to recognize REAL
We should know for sure:
**What you put out to people....will DEFINITELY come back (watch out on how you carry yourself & how you treat others' DIVAs')
***YOU Define YOUR own life..(live...& keep loving and in turn you become what you believe...)
****Please be conscious of your circle of folks'...taken from 1 of my favorite author's Ms. Angelou" "When someone shows you who they are, BELIEVE them the 1st time"
***** Worrying is a waste of time...use this energy for doing something positive (like living out your dreams...-you will appreciate yourself sooo much more in the long run :)-
****** What was done in the PAST has NOOO POWER in the PRESENT!!! ...So live your LIFE!
I hope this helps you DIVA's to give you a little boost to recognize how GORGEOUS YOU TRULY ARE! But that starts with recognizing REAL..with ourselves 1st!!!
Have a wonderful week
~~Ode' to Breast Cancer Awareness Month~~Be GORGEOUS!!!!
~ Nish
Haha, How many times have you (DIVA's) received compliments for being beautiful & great, whether in physical appearance, or through the ability to "Work It" in our careers, school, etc. and don't accept them???
Soo many of my young D.I.T.'s {Diva In Training) I work with (& my adult DIVAs' I know & have talked with several times over & known for years...) have struggled with accepting our essence of how AWESOME we truly are, yet others struggle with being stuck in the negative...we need to get over this hump
........Please understand this : we may say.... "thank you" to those compliments but deep down in our core & soul, we do not accept it! Why do we do this to ourselves?! I mean, really??
I want to focus on things we should know for sure & that means for us being able to accept what is...as I explained above. If you got it going on, you MUST accept it...by knowing this for sure will bring us closer to loving & treasuring ourselves...
Here's some points from Oprah's class (life-class) on helping ourselves to recognize REAL
We should know for sure:
**What you put out to people....will DEFINITELY come back (watch out on how you carry yourself & how you treat others' DIVAs')
***YOU Define YOUR own life..(live...& keep loving and in turn you become what you believe...)
****Please be conscious of your circle of folks'...taken from 1 of my favorite author's Ms. Angelou" "When someone shows you who they are, BELIEVE them the 1st time"
***** Worrying is a waste of time...use this energy for doing something positive (like living out your dreams...-you will appreciate yourself sooo much more in the long run :)-
****** What was done in the PAST has NOOO POWER in the PRESENT!!! ...So live your LIFE!
I hope this helps you DIVA's to give you a little boost to recognize how GORGEOUS YOU TRULY ARE! But that starts with recognizing REAL..with ourselves 1st!!!
Have a wonderful week
~~Ode' to Breast Cancer Awareness Month~~Be GORGEOUS!!!!
~ Nish
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Welcome Back, Welcome Back....
Good Day to All DIVA Rules fam!!
Glorious Sunday!!!
It's been toooo long since we have blessed you with some "Defining Inner Victorious..." posts!
As life changes seasons, it is important that we do not get caught up in all the "Hype" and forget where we came from nor what God has prepared and already laid out for us...
Today's post comes from my inner soul entirely...I have already started & made a firm decision to focus on myself more! When I say "focus on me," I do not mean selfishly just "Doin' Me" as some might think (& act). I mean I am focusing on developing my inner soul and well-being. I decided to stand up & choose JOY!
As life changes seasons, and the current life and relationships as we knew it start to transform, it is easy for us to lose faith, and let life itself & other's actions affect us negatively, NEVER let that enter space, your "JOY space" (that's what I'm calling it).
I am starting to lean more on the Lord's word and have the SPIRIT work through me, rather than my emotions & mind work through it alone...for as you know WE have the Lord to bless and "he is the 1 who strengthens...." Look below; especially at Rule #3. (Taken from My Vision Board...Judge Hatchett knows "what's good")
CHALLENGE Yourselves: DON'T let your "JOY space" be invaded!
"...whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must FINISH its work so that you may be MATURE and complete, not LACKING anything" (James 1:2)
MORE Inspiration: check out www.girlfriendsingod.com It is a WONDERFUL site and I receive daily inspirational messages about the word of GOD and continue to learn, daily, how to look at things made in his eyes, rather than mine.
~ Nish
Glorious Sunday!!!
It's been toooo long since we have blessed you with some "Defining Inner Victorious..." posts!
As life changes seasons, it is important that we do not get caught up in all the "Hype" and forget where we came from nor what God has prepared and already laid out for us...
Today's post comes from my inner soul entirely...I have already started & made a firm decision to focus on myself more! When I say "focus on me," I do not mean selfishly just "Doin' Me" as some might think (& act). I mean I am focusing on developing my inner soul and well-being. I decided to stand up & choose JOY!
As life changes seasons, and the current life and relationships as we knew it start to transform, it is easy for us to lose faith, and let life itself & other's actions affect us negatively, NEVER let that enter space, your "JOY space" (that's what I'm calling it).
I am starting to lean more on the Lord's word and have the SPIRIT work through me, rather than my emotions & mind work through it alone...for as you know WE have the Lord to bless and "he is the 1 who strengthens...." Look below; especially at Rule #3. (Taken from My Vision Board...Judge Hatchett knows "what's good")
CHALLENGE Yourselves: DON'T let your "JOY space" be invaded!
"...whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must FINISH its work so that you may be MATURE and complete, not LACKING anything" (James 1:2)
MORE Inspiration: check out www.girlfriendsingod.com It is a WONDERFUL site and I receive daily inspirational messages about the word of GOD and continue to learn, daily, how to look at things made in his eyes, rather than mine.
~ Nish
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Work it Out Wednesday: Week Three Couch to 5k
Hello, Good morning!
I was watching my usual morning program today “Enjoying Everyday Life” (if you don’t know about it, tune in. Dr. Joyce Meyer keeps it real) and it was all about the power of faith. It was right on time. While my faith in God has never been stronger, every once in a while situations test it. I found myself starting to stress/worry about my future plans, however I was reminded today that He has this and to continue lifting it up to Him. She ended the show with the passage below and boy is it the truth! It was the exclamation point on a victorious morning.
Mathew 6:25-27 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can anyone of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?”
Take a minute to ponder on that!
Have a victorious day DIVAs!!!<3 Jade
Mathew 6:25-27 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can anyone of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?”
Take a minute to ponder on that!
I mentioned earlier that this morning was victorious. It was because I ran for 3 minutes straight!!! Yes it may be a small task to many of you, but I am celebrating all gains. On day one, I could barely run 90 seconds straight. Today I ran 3 minutes. I can testify that the program is definitely working. Word to the wise though, make sure to stretch after. I was a little sore Monday. See below for my schedule for the week.
Monday, Wednesday , Friday
5 min warm up
a. 90 sec jog
b. 90 sec walk
c. 3 min jog
d. 3 min walk
Repeat steps a-d
I stayed on the treadmill for 30 minutes (walking the rest of the time at the same pace of my program walk). As you get to running this morning, repeat this mantra “I will not worry, I am at peace”.
Have a victorious day DIVAs!!!
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Promised I would take a pic of my new Black Girls Run Hoodie |
Monday, April 4, 2011
Money Matters: Essence Fiscally Fit Week 3
Good morning DIVAs!
Welcome to some good weather for a change. After the past couple weeks, a little bit of rain is ok with me. Last night I tuned in to my Sunday night lineup, which includes Celebrity Apprentice. It was a great episode. The task was all about fundraising and the cast actually raised the most money in the shows history. I’m mentioning this because one of the teams, the men’s team, fundraised for the St. Jude’s Children’s’ Research Hospital and was visited by a special guest at their fundraising event. The special guest was a six year old boy who has been battling cancer all of his life. Seeing this little boy with the various apparatus he is forced to wear, put it in perspective for the entire team and probably for all of the viewers. It’s important that you find purpose in what you do and that you use some of your earnings to support initiatives that are doing great things for people. Ok that’s my two cents for the day, here is the Essence Fiscally Fit Exercise of the week.
Week 3:
Record Bills in One Place: It’s one thing to know how much you have, but it’s another thing to be cognizant of how much and when you spend. Avoid overdraft fees or bounced checks by tracking and recording all of your bills. Create a schedule so that you know when each bill will come out and so that you can plan the use of your money in order to stay within your monthly budget. In order to help with this task, create a budget with your monthly income that accounts for all of your bills and expenses. Then create schedule of payments you can map out when money will be coming out. Additionally, be sure to keep all receipts and insert transactions into your recorder and budget tool. Not only will you be able to see where all of your money is going, but it will help you to eliminate any miscellaneous and unnecessary purchases. This is also a great time to enroll in online banking as many online systems have pre-made tools that you can use for budgeting including up to the minute statement/account history.
<3 Jade
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Sunday Spark!~ "Today's A New Day"
Happy Glorious Sunday Family!
I truly love and am Thankful for this day!
For the past two weeks, I feel like I have been in a whirlwind, when it comes to work-Yes; sorority business-Yes; fighting illness-Yes; keeping with my personal "handles"-Yes!! Finally I feel like I have my EXHALE moment and I thought to myself...."Today's A New Day!" Regardless of what I have to do or choose to tackle on; I know that it is great to revert back to My SIMPLE Pleasure and thy self with a Glorious New Day from The Most High Above!
Getting to that point of EXHALE is easy for some and may be difficult for others, but the truth in getting to that is listening to your body, mind, and spirit. Relish in that we have the opportunities to conquer whatever it is we are enduring daily, with the SIMPLE thought of "New Day" to start over or begin!
Here is a video from Mary Mary-"I'm Walking"....I dreamt about this song last night--which gives a GREAT message about keeping it movin'--so I guess the spirit is driving me to share some "Spark" with you! Hope you Bounce a little bit, lol~
Enjoy this Day!
I truly love and am Thankful for this day!
For the past two weeks, I feel like I have been in a whirlwind, when it comes to work-Yes; sorority business-Yes; fighting illness-Yes; keeping with my personal "handles"-Yes!! Finally I feel like I have my EXHALE moment and I thought to myself...."Today's A New Day!" Regardless of what I have to do or choose to tackle on; I know that it is great to revert back to My SIMPLE Pleasure and thy self with a Glorious New Day from The Most High Above!
Getting to that point of EXHALE is easy for some and may be difficult for others, but the truth in getting to that is listening to your body, mind, and spirit. Relish in that we have the opportunities to conquer whatever it is we are enduring daily, with the SIMPLE thought of "New Day" to start over or begin!
Here is a video from Mary Mary-"I'm Walking"....I dreamt about this song last night--which gives a GREAT message about keeping it movin'--so I guess the spirit is driving me to share some "Spark" with you! Hope you Bounce a little bit, lol~
Enjoy this Day!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Work it Out Wednesday: Black Girls Run the Couch to 5K
Happy Wednesday!
Let’s work it out!!!! Today was day two of my Couch to 5K plan. It was much easier waking up at 6, however when I heard that rain I was tempted to stay in but my partner was on top of it. After only the second day, I feel less fatigued, but my calves feel very tight though. I know I have been buzzing about this Couch to 5k plan and some of you are probably wondering what the heck it is.
Couch to 5k is a running plan that literally takes you off the couch to running a 5k (3.1 miles). As I mentioned before I have always wanted to be able to run for distance. I admired those people I would see each morning completing their jog, they seem so powerful and focused. However, every time I would start something, I would get discouraged and stop and never get to that goal I set out to reach. So this year, I made one of my goals to get in the best shape of my life and what better way to do it than to also tackle this running challenge. I found a site about a month ago called Black Girls Run and began to peruse the site looking for beginner information and that is when I found out about Couch to 5k.
The ladies on Black Girls Run promoted the plan as the start line for beginner runners. So this past weekend I went to the Couch to 5k site and signed up. The program, which is one of Active Trainer, acts as a virtual trainer. It maps out your routine for the entire 9 weeks. Additionally it allows you to track your progress, running shoe wear, map running routes, explore local races, connect with other runners, and offers suggestions and guidance as you begin your running experience. All of this for only $19. This is just the price I need after paying almost $300 a month for martial arts all last year.
Now DIVAs, there aren’t many of us women of color who ‘do the running thing’ but it is important that we start taking our health seriously. I know its easy to say you will do it tomorrow, but tomorrow is promised to know one. While it doesn’t have to be running, try something out of the box. If you don’t know how to swim, sign up for swimming lessons, an excellent form of cardio. If boxing or dancing has always been a goal, sign up and do it. For those of you interested in starting a running routine or swimming, check out Black Girls Run. These ladies are working hard to promote health and fitness amongst black and minority women.
Happy Moving!!!!
<3 Jade
Monday, March 14, 2011
Money Matters: Set Realistic Goals (plus a Couch to 5k update)
Happy Monday!!!!!! I’m coming off of an absolutely fabulous weekend spent with family. Friday night I babysat the siblings and then went to a party with the boo. Saturday, my father and uncles finally invited the women to the Big East game so after eating a phenomenal feast at a Steakhouse in NYC, we all headed over to MSG to watch UCONN win a very close game. Then on Sunday, I met the boo's mom and she made a great dinner for us including homemade peach cobbler aka my favorite. Now it is back to work! On to money matters.
Last week I restarted my journey to become financially fit. The no buy month was successful, although it just made me realize that I am not a big spender. Unfortunately I think I made up for no buy month by going on an all buy week. L My long list of “to-buy” items should have given me an indication that this would be a problem. Anywhoo, everyday is a chance to do better, so I am dusting myself off and trying again.
This 12-week plan was created by Personal Finance Editor, Tanisha A. Sykes and is taken directly from Essence Magazine’s January issue with some infusion of other tools and tips I come across along the way.
For those of you who don’t have the issue and would like to join in here is both week 1 and week 2.
Week 1:
Determine Your Priorities: Sykes suggests that the first step to financial fitness is discovering your financial IQ. This will allow us to see which our values and priorities as it relates to money and will better allow us to form goals. Sykes suggests using the LifeValues quiz . I thought this quiz was ok. I also took VSCPA Financial Fitness Quiz.
Week 2:
Set Realistic Goals: Based on the results from the quiz(zes), set realistic financial goals that you would like to achieve. It may be to pay off a $6000 credit card bill, or save $3000. Whatever it may be, make sure to make clear, set goals that includes a timetable. In order to do this well, it is necessary to first figure out what you have and where it’s going. I recommend going to excel and using one of their budget templates. In the past I used this for my monthly budgets. Additionally you can check out http://www.mccea.net/files/Monthly_Expenses_Worksheet.pdf. Good luck!
Side note: Today was the first day of Couch to 5K. While the weather was a little too nippy to run outside, I was up and out at 6am and ran on the treadmill according to my Active Trainer workout. It is amazing how great you feel after accomplishing a goal. My Black Girls Run hoodie has not come in yet, but when it does I will be sure to take a picture.
<3 Jade
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Springing Ahead!~ Sunday Spark *
Greetings Lovely DIVA Rules Fam!
I am too hyped about the wonderfulness of the Spring's arrival and though it has not "officially" started-but turning the clocks foward is a definite starting point! It represents warner weather, more social interaction, possibility of more mental simulation (senses are heighten), as well as having longer days to LIVE Your Best Life!
A little dose of inspiration for "Spark" taken from one of my many Inspirational Books ("GoodMorning-365 Positive ways to Start your Day"~ by Brook Noel):
"Open your eyes, look within, are you satisfied with the Life your Living"~ Bob Marley
Mr. Marley stated this very well, if you have not done so thus far, start leading your life, live by your own set of standards. The basic idea is to set your Priorities High. Often, we just go with the motions of living and not actually experiencing it, or recognizing the world around us-because we may be "stuck" or just too pre-occupied that we cannot go beyond our own selfs (negative attitude).
Take this Spring to blossom Positively....Blossom Positively into your best Life (i.e., start a project you wanted, join that organization, or start that business,...(ps-baby steps are definitely OKAY!)...
Take this affirmation back with you : "Each Day, I DO WHAT MATTERS"
*I can TRULY say I do*
~Happy Spring Arrival~
~Enjoy this Day~
I am too hyped about the wonderfulness of the Spring's arrival and though it has not "officially" started-but turning the clocks foward is a definite starting point! It represents warner weather, more social interaction, possibility of more mental simulation (senses are heighten), as well as having longer days to LIVE Your Best Life!
A little dose of inspiration for "Spark" taken from one of my many Inspirational Books ("GoodMorning-365 Positive ways to Start your Day"~ by Brook Noel):
"Open your eyes, look within, are you satisfied with the Life your Living"~ Bob Marley
Mr. Marley stated this very well, if you have not done so thus far, start leading your life, live by your own set of standards. The basic idea is to set your Priorities High. Often, we just go with the motions of living and not actually experiencing it, or recognizing the world around us-because we may be "stuck" or just too pre-occupied that we cannot go beyond our own selfs (negative attitude).
Take this Spring to blossom Positively....Blossom Positively into your best Life (i.e., start a project you wanted, join that organization, or start that business,...(ps-baby steps are definitely OKAY!)...
Take this affirmation back with you : "Each Day, I DO WHAT MATTERS"
*I can TRULY say I do*
~Happy Spring Arrival~
~Enjoy this Day~
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Think About it Thursdays: "You Are Who You Choose to Be"
While perusing one of my favorite fashion-related blogs Bleed for Fashion, I came across this great quote. “You are who you choose to be”. So often we are defined by our peers, social/economic circumstances, gender, and societal ‘norms’. Some of us become stagnant in these molds, hesitant to step out of the box and complacent achievers of someone else’s expectations. What if today we not only believed in every dream but accept that our dreams are attainable. What if I told you that as of today the person you always dreamed to be, you are now her! If you want to be fit, get moving to get fit. If you want to be a millionaire, find ways to make and invest money to make you rich. If you want to be the best you, break every stereotype, definition, and expectation and live like you have never lived before.
I choose to be fearless and unstoppable in order to be the best me possible. In order to do that, I signed up today to accomplish one of my biggest “fears”…Running!!!! I headed over to a new favorite site of mine Black Girls Run, signed up for the 9 week “Couch to 5k” training plan, bought a pace monitor, and customized Black Girls Run hoodie. My first day of training starts Monday. This is just another step in this year of “Doing Me!!”
I can’t stress it enough. Take life by the horns and make it what you want. Smile wider, laugh louder, and love harder. Some people will like it, some won’t, regardless of their sentiment, remind yourself that it doesn’t matter, as you are focused on “Defining INNER Victory with Attitude”.
Before I leave I have to share a conversation I had with one of my BFFs last night. She hit my up on BBM (my favorite method of communication sad to say) to inquire whether or not I would ever date a guy who did not go to college. I said more than likely yes, depending on how he spent his time and where he is now. She ended the conversation by saying, “This world we live in-so many rules and standards”. So in my “I am woman hear me roar” tone, I responded “F**k the rules”. I leave you with that. Don’t let anyone define you, define yourself!
<3 JadeWale "The Power"
Monday, March 7, 2011
True Expression Tuesdays~ Take Me for Who I am~ Proud Woman!
Welcome DIVA Rules Family to the beginning of another week and, hopefully you are counting your blessings (as I am mine)...
Expressing ourselves is always a wonderful way to let out emotions, and beneficial for one's soul to become more at peace with yourself. For ~True Expression~ and honoring (March-Women's History month) I wanted to post my girl, The Queen of Hip-Hop/R&B Mary J. Blige's "Take Me as I am" off her Breakthrough Album. This song evokes so much expression as a Conqueror, a Lover of Self, and as divine Woman. Take in the lyrics to this one...
~Always Be Aware...
~Always Do More than the last...
~Always Be You! (the best that is)...
Enjoy this day Family*
Peace & Blessings**
Expressing ourselves is always a wonderful way to let out emotions, and beneficial for one's soul to become more at peace with yourself. For ~True Expression~ and honoring (March-Women's History month) I wanted to post my girl, The Queen of Hip-Hop/R&B Mary J. Blige's "Take Me as I am" off her Breakthrough Album. This song evokes so much expression as a Conqueror, a Lover of Self, and as divine Woman. Take in the lyrics to this one...
~Always Be Aware...
~Always Do More than the last...
~Always Be You! (the best that is)...
Enjoy this day Family*
Peace & Blessings**
Sunday, February 27, 2011
What's In Your Purse??? ~*Highlighting Rev. Natalie Stephens*~
Hey DIVA Fam!
This is the last Sunday of Black History Month, in which DIVA Rules has been spreading much LOVE throughout this month to African American women...
For this Sunday Spark post for I wanted to share some Inspiration to each and every 1 of you with highlighting Rev. Natalie Stephens! Natalie Stephens is a minister and her work focus' around Women's Ministry. She is formerly of United Methodist Church in Southern New Jersey' and is a FAB speaker!

This is the last Sunday of Black History Month, in which DIVA Rules has been spreading much LOVE throughout this month to African American women...
For this Sunday Spark post for I wanted to share some Inspiration to each and every 1 of you with highlighting Rev. Natalie Stephens! Natalie Stephens is a minister and her work focus' around Women's Ministry. She is formerly of United Methodist Church in Southern New Jersey' and is a FAB speaker!
I had the esteemed pleasure of listening to her ministry this weekend. She was the featured presenter at a GREAT fellowship and FUN pink/green event I attended with my Pretty Ladies.
Purses were the theme DIVAs' --- YES---Purses. But not the Purses we buy and try to pose with daily but our Spiritual purses. She used the symbolism of a Purse to compare with how we view ourselves, how we want others to view us and what's in it that tells the TRUE story; and how "ALL that GLITTERS, ain't ALWAYS gold!" Her focus was on how our outside doesn't always reflect what's inside and that we should try to remain HONEST.
Within our purses we looked at different items that we as women normally carry, which is Keys, Checkbook, Cosmetic bag, Credit Cards, Cell phone, Hair products, Medicine, Family photos, and a Calendar. We used each of these items and examined how they define who we are, the meaning behind each of these items to us, if they affirm who we are, and how they are (or cannot be) tranquil to us as women.
Prior to looking at these items, collectively as a group; Rev. Stephens had us do a little personal self-reflection exercise in which we had to write down any "baggage" we hold onto in our Spiritual "Purses" that we have not expressed to anyone. I LOVED this exercises for many reasons, (1)-in that it brings me closer to my personal spiritual journey, (2)-allows me to stay grounded, and (3)-I was able to put my personal "Issues" to pen/paper (I'm a visual & hands-on learner).
I am sharing with you ALL what's in my purse, being that this will lead me closer to me making Sense, Meaning, Affirmation, Reliance, and Tranquility with myself. *(Hopefully this will for you as well)*
"In My Purse"I carry".....(a)-Pessimistic Thoughts-which leads me to not appreciate the many blessings the Lord has shined upon me (b)-Lack of Trust in Myself-which leads me to weaken my self-confidence in my endeavors....Now that I've shared my "baggage" - I know what I need (which I've already been starting) to work on."
Your Turn: What's in Your Purse...learn to do this self-reflection often to conquer the clutter in Your "Purses" (LIVES)! Enjoy this Day!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
EXTRAORDINARY D.I.V.As: Celebrating Mrs. Marian Wright Edelman
“We are willing to spend the least amount of money to keep a kid at home, more to put him in a foster home and the most to institutionalize him.”.
-Marian Wright Edelman
Today we honor Mrs. Marian Wright Edelman (Born June 6, 1939), the first African American woman to practice law in Mississippi and the President and founder of the Children’s Defense Fund. Mrs. Edelman has lived her life committed to public service and child advocacy. As a child, her parents, particularly her father, instilled in her the importance of attaining an education and giving back to the community. Her love for civil rights led her to Yale Law School where she attained her law degree in 1963.
Upon receiving her degree she immediately began her work in public interest law for the NAACP Legal and Defense fund first in New York and then in Mississippi. Her work in Mississippi earned her the distinct honor of being the first African American women to practice law in the state.
She would later move to Washington, D.C where she continued to fight for the rights or minorities and serve the underserved. This passion and value for serving the underserved led her to the arena of child advocacy. She believed children needed the voice of adults to ensure their better interests are abided and protected and she knew, unfortunately, this was too often not the case. In 1973, she established the Children’s Defense Fund to advocate for and serve poor, minority, and handicapped children. Through the Children’s Defense Fund she continues to be the voice for children, publicly speaking and legislating for various initiatives that would provide better opportunities to all children especially those who need it the most.
We salute Mrs. Edelman for her foresight and dedication to the children of today and tomorrow, our hope for the future.
For more information about Marian Wright Edelman click on the links below.
<3 Jade
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
EXTRAORDINARY D.I.V.A's: Celebrates Ms. Faye Wattleton
For more information about Faye Wattleton go to the links below.
Today we honor Alice Faye Wattleton (July 8, 1943). In 1978, Faye Wattleton became the first African-American and youngest President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, a title she held until 1992. During her tenure at Planned Parenthood, she mobilized and publicized the fight for women’s rights to choice thus placing the organization at the forefront of the Pro-Choice movement and leader in sex/health education and accessible health services.
Wattleton received her education at Ohio State where, in 1964, she earned a Bachelors of Science Degree in nursing. She then received her Master of Science Degree in maternal and infant care with certification as a nurse-midwife from the illustrious Columbia University.
During her nursing career, Wattleton was exposed to the good and bad in the health field. Her viewing of several disastrous abortions, incited her to begin advocating for women’s rights. She began this advocacy work as a teacher of nursing in which she exposed many of her students to her experiences. Her battle took precedence upon her appointment to Planned Parenthood
After her tenure at Planned Parenthood, Ms. Wattelton co-founded the Center for Advancement of Women, an advocacy organization for women. On July 2, 2010 and after over 15 years of service, Ms. Wattleton resigned from her seat as President of the Center for Advancement of Women. Ms. Wattelton can be seen gracing the pages of many magazines including ESQUIRE and Harper’s Bazzar as well as various “Who’s Who” lists. She currently serves on numerous non-profit boards of directors including that of her alma mater, Columbia University.
We salute Ms Wattleton for her continued work within the non-profit sector and for the advancement of women’s rights.
<3 Jade
Monday, February 14, 2011
Tony Terry- When I'm With You
Money Matters: Valentine's Day edition
Happy Valentine's Day!!!!
<3 Jade
This is probably one of my favorite holidays because I love LOVE. What better than a day celebrating it. So whether you are happily single or happily coupled, remember to let your loved ones know how much you love them today (and keep it going after today).
For all of you who are partaking in the No Buy Month challenge, you may be wondering what you can get your significant other. Well I must confess that I bought my boo's gift prior to beginning the challenge, however I noticed I forgot to buy a card. Lord knows I was tempted to go to Hallmark and spend, but I resisted the urge and wrote him a letter instead. Free and probably more personal than a card would have been. It actually left him in shock, his words not mine. So in keeping with the spirit of V-day I decided I would share with you a list of gifts and surprises that you can get your boo without violating the No Buy Challege.
Happily Coupled:
- Homecooked meal: Save money and whip up a meal with your usual groceries.
- Write a love letter: Take a cue from Aaliyah and enclose it with a kiss
- Make an online photo album: Load those pics you have stored in your camera and put them to good use
- Send a free hallmark card: If you don't have the supplies to create your own, peruse Hallmark for some cost free options
- Have a little "loving" time: Well I think this is pretty self explanatory.
Happily Single:
- Candlelit Bath: Hopefully you have bubble bath or bath salts on hand
- Homecooked meal: You don't need a HIM to make a delicious meal
- At Home Spa Day: Hair done, Nails done, everything did
- Movie Night: Tap into the tv as they will be playing all of the V-day favorites or check out Comcast free movies.
- Invite your girls over for a potluck V-day meal.
<3 Jade
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Sunday Spark: I love you DIVAs because...
Love is in the air!!!!
An early happy Valentine’s Day DIVAs!!!

Saturday, I joined some of my Sorors in comforting our dynamic Soror Charmaine during a home going service for her sister. While I had never met her sister before, I left there honored to have been in her presence at the service. When my day comes, I hope it can be half as beautiful and I can have just half of the impact on others’ lives as she did. Everyone described her to be a true woman of God with an unwavering spirit and faith, even with the many health related issues she endured throughout her life. Everyone talked about her resilience, drive, and perseverance. Regardless of her health or physical ability, she made sure she was at church whether she received a ride or had to take the bus. Saying that this woman was phenomenal would be an understatement. One of the big things that stuck with me though, was when my Soror went up to talk about her sister and spoke about taking people in our lives for granted. She begged us to not take for granted the special people in our lives today as tomorrow is not promised and that doing so would make us feel the pain and guilt she was feeling.
I sat in my seat and cried. I cried because, as my Soror, I hated to see her in that kind of pain and I also cried because it was a feeling I knew all too well when my grandfather passed after a tumultuous battle with Cancer. It is truly, as Charmaine said, a feeling that no one ever wants to experience. So I felt that I needed to share her directive with everyone and what better time than this weekend of L-O-V-E.
Now I know Valetine’s Day is all about you and your man (or lady), but what if this V-Day we also make an effort to extend this love and thankfulness to the DIVAs who have had an impact on our life. Maybe it is someone who you do not know well but something they did spoke to you, or maybe it is someone you know very well but do not often let them know how special they are. Whoever it is, do not let this opportunity pass you by because tomorrow is never promised. Tell at least one DIVA today and/or on Valentine’s day, “I <3 you because…”
I will start it off…
I <3 all of the DIVA subscribers and readers because you are all fabulous and supportive people!!!
<3 Jade
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
EXTRAORDINARY D.I.V.A.s': Celebrates Dr. Ann Kathleen Burlew!
Happy Hump Day...thank goodness WE MADE IT, thus far! And another day into saluting African American women. Being that"hump" day is dedicated to "Working It Out," physically, emotionally, or mentally (or holistically together), which is what we are going to do by celebrating the work of Dr. Ann Kathleen Burlew. Dr. Burlew is an author and currently a Professor of Psychology at the University of Cincinnati.
DIVA rules is highlighting Dr. Burlew for her continued research and dedicated work, on issues/concerns of mental health and substance abuse and its' correlation to the black community. Since obtaining her doctoral degree in Social Psychology, her postdoctoral work focused on examining at-risk adolescents/youth and multicultural families. Dr. Ann Kathleen Burlew is EXTRAORDINARY because of her diligent service in the counseling and psychology field for over 30 years.
I have read one of her texts' in multicultural counseling, called, Minority Issues in Mental Health; and she has a great perspective on working, identifying and the advancement of the lives' of minorities.
*Dr. Burlew can be found on University of Cincinnati's website, as well as Gulliford's website on Famous African American Psychologists' *
DIVA rules is highlighting Dr. Burlew for her continued research and dedicated work, on issues/concerns of mental health and substance abuse and its' correlation to the black community. Since obtaining her doctoral degree in Social Psychology, her postdoctoral work focused on examining at-risk adolescents/youth and multicultural families. Dr. Ann Kathleen Burlew is EXTRAORDINARY because of her diligent service in the counseling and psychology field for over 30 years.
I have read one of her texts' in multicultural counseling, called, Minority Issues in Mental Health; and she has a great perspective on working, identifying and the advancement of the lives' of minorities.
Dr. Ann Kathleen Burlew has served as co-editor in chief for The Journal of Black Psychology
and co-authored texts' like African American in Psychology: Theory, Research and Practice and Reflections on Black Psychology. *Dr. Burlew can be found on University of Cincinnati's website, as well as Gulliford's website on Famous African American Psychologists' *
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
EXTRAORDINARY D.I.V.A.s': Celebrates Renee Cox!
True Expression Tuesdays is ALL about being who you are to the fullest in your most creative, innovative and UNIQUE way.
I think I can speak for most DIVAs' (& dudes the same) when I say that there is no expression of art and culture, than when it is true to form and who are! For today's EXTRAORDINARY DIVA of Black History, DIVA Rules is showcasing Afro-American, Jamaican-born artist Renee Cox!
Renee Cox's art pushes the limits and brings about a message that transcends our culture to think more, and be more conscious of ourselves and who we are individually.
Her beautiful work has caused some uproar within the Roman Catholic community (for her depiction of the 12 disciples) and with former Mayor of New York Giuliani, which was featured in the New York Times and NY Post. She has received praise & many accolades in publications like; VIBE, Essence, and ArtNews (to name very few). The following video showcases some of her work and she shares her projects...
Renee Cox is EXTRAORDINARY because her work celebrates Afro-womanhood and challenges issues of sexism and racism in our Western society. It is important that artist's work, like Ms. Cox is given the room to shine because it's daring, bold, & EXTRAORDINARY in her own rite!
Please check her out at : www.reneecox.org
I think I can speak for most DIVAs' (& dudes the same) when I say that there is no expression of art and culture, than when it is true to form and who are! For today's EXTRAORDINARY DIVA of Black History, DIVA Rules is showcasing Afro-American, Jamaican-born artist Renee Cox!
Renee Cox's art pushes the limits and brings about a message that transcends our culture to think more, and be more conscious of ourselves and who we are individually.
Her beautiful work has caused some uproar within the Roman Catholic community (for her depiction of the 12 disciples) and with former Mayor of New York Giuliani, which was featured in the New York Times and NY Post. She has received praise & many accolades in publications like; VIBE, Essence, and ArtNews (to name very few). The following video showcases some of her work and she shares her projects...
Renee Cox is EXTRAORDINARY because her work celebrates Afro-womanhood and challenges issues of sexism and racism in our Western society. It is important that artist's work, like Ms. Cox is given the room to shine because it's daring, bold, & EXTRAORDINARY in her own rite!
Please check her out at : www.reneecox.org
Monday, February 7, 2011
EXTRAORDINARY D.I.V.A.s':Celebrates Lynette Khalfani-Cox
Continuing with this empowering and very humbling theme of paying homage to great African American women for the month of February.....
Being that it is "Money Matters" Monday, todays DIVA to be highlighted is Lynette Khalfani-Cox.
Ms. Khalfani Cox is a personal finance expert, who has been a guest television shows like; Dr. Phil, Oprah, and Tyra Banks (to name a few); she's been on countless radio shows; as well as magazines like Essence and Black Enterprise.
Ms. Khalfani-Cox is also a New York Times, Bestseller for her book "Zero Debt- The Ultimate Guide to Financial Freedom" which is based on her achieved efforts of getting rid of $100,000 in credit card debt (if that's not liberating & influential, I don't know what can be) !
I have read a few columns that Ms. Khalfani-Cox has written in Essence and Black Enterprise magazines and her advice for fixing finance woes is great! (I try to incorporate some of her lessons)...
Since 1 of the top 10 resolutions of this year by many is getting out of debt (according to About.com) tips from Ms. Khalfani-Cox's bestseller can assist us DIVAs' in making better decisions with our money.
Here is a clip featuring Ms. Khalfani-Cox giving a few pointers on how WE can become Millionaire's....
Enjoy your Monday DIVAs'
Being that it is "Money Matters" Monday, todays DIVA to be highlighted is Lynette Khalfani-Cox.
Ms. Khalfani Cox is a personal finance expert, who has been a guest television shows like; Dr. Phil, Oprah, and Tyra Banks (to name a few); she's been on countless radio shows; as well as magazines like Essence and Black Enterprise.
Ms. Khalfani-Cox is also a New York Times, Bestseller for her book "Zero Debt- The Ultimate Guide to Financial Freedom" which is based on her achieved efforts of getting rid of $100,000 in credit card debt (if that's not liberating & influential, I don't know what can be) !
I have read a few columns that Ms. Khalfani-Cox has written in Essence and Black Enterprise magazines and her advice for fixing finance woes is great! (I try to incorporate some of her lessons)...
Since 1 of the top 10 resolutions of this year by many is getting out of debt (according to About.com) tips from Ms. Khalfani-Cox's bestseller can assist us DIVAs' in making better decisions with our money.
Here is a clip featuring Ms. Khalfani-Cox giving a few pointers on how WE can become Millionaire's....
Enjoy your Monday DIVAs'
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Extraordinary D.I.V.A: Saluting Shirley Anita St. Hill Chisholm
Today we honor Shirley Anita St. Hill Chisholm (Nov 30, 1924-January 1, 2005). Chisholm truly is an Extraordinary DIVA, leaving her stamp in history as being the first of many. In 1968, Chisholm became the first African American woman United States Representative; In 1972, she became the first African American woman to seek a major party nomination for President of the United States, the first woman to have her name placed in nomination for President at the Democratic National Convention, and the first African American woman to be on the ballot as a candidate for President. Did I add that she did all of this while surviving three assassination attempts.
Chisholm spent her entire career fighting for women’s rights, racial equality, better opportunities for urban communities and families, and equity in politics. When asked about what she would like her legacy to be she stated,
“When I die, I want to be remembered as a woman who lived in the twentieth century and who dared to be a catalyst for change. I don't want be remembered as the first black woman who went to Congress, and I don't even want to be remembered as the first woman who happen to be black to make a bid for the presidency. I want to be remembered as a woman who fought for change in the twentieth century. That's what I want.” | |
—Shirley Chisholm, Unbought and Unbossed |
After 14 years of service in Congress, Chisholm retired her seat in 1982 upon which she returned to a career in education, teaching Women’s studies at Mount Holyoke College and Spellman. In 1993 Chisholm was inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame and in 2002, Molefi Kete Asante included Chisholm in his list of 100 Greatest Americans.
We salute Ms Chisholm for her fearlessness and perseverance and for creating opportunities for those who have and will come after her.
Shirley Chisholm, 2010
Advice to young African Americans
For more information about Shirley Chisholm see below.
<3 Jade
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Extraordinary DIVA: Saluting Dr. Rebecca Lee Crumpler
Welcome to February!
Happy Ground Hogs Day and Black History Month.
I'm very happy the little groundhog has decided to come out and play because I think I can speak for all of us when I say winter has to go!
February is such an awesome month for many reasons but most importantly because the nation honors the accomplishments of Black people and our rich history during the month of love. How cool is that? So this month we are going to show love to all of our beautiful and Extraordianary DIVAs who have made an impact on the world by honoring a new DIVA each day.
Today we honor Dr. Rebecca Lee Crumpler. In 1864, Dr. Crumpler became the first African American woman to earn an M.D. degree. Additionally her book entitled, Book of Medical Discourses is credited as one of the first medical publications by an African American. She spent her life’s work improving the health of others especially women and children, and fighting the obstacles that prevented African Americans and women from entering into and practicing medicine. After the civil war she, in partnership with the Freedmen’s Bureau, tended to free slaves in the South who would not have received medical attention otherwise. In 1883, her book was published, a two-volume medical reference to women about caring for themselves and their children.
We salute and revere Dr. Crumpler for her tenacity and passion to improve the lives of others.
For more information about Dr. Crumpler go to the links below.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
True Expression Tuesdays: Swizz Beatz vs. Fela Kuti
Happy Tuesday!!!
Hopefully you all avoided some more snow.
Hopefully you all avoided some more snow.
I had to share this with all of you. Just when you may have lost hope with the state of Hip Hop, a breath of fresh air comes. Swizz Beatz vs. Fela Kuti mixes the Swizzy & co. hits we have come to love including “Swing Your Rag,” “Tambourine” and “Money in the Bank” with the refreshingly cool sound of jazz rhythms. I have fallen in love with it and have literally listened to it all night. Check out the sounds, curated by DJ Runna and Swizz Beatz and vote for it on the site.
<3 Jade
Monster Mondays: Swizz Beatz vs. Fela Kuti
Enjoy and get your two step on!!!!!
<3 Jade
Monster Mondays: Swizz Beatz vs. Fela Kuti
Enjoy and get your two step on!!!!!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Join me for No-Buy Month
The holidays are now officially over!! I know most of us are still paying those lovely bills from our Holiday gift giving extravaganza. Not to worry. As we move into a new month let's regain our financial composure and start saving again with a little help from The Frugalista and her "No-Buy-Month" Challenge. Are you up for it?????
The plan is simple. All you have to do is cut out any unnecessary expenses for an entire month and what better month than February, the shortest month of the year. Now DIVAs I know for some of you shop-a-holics this could be compared to torture, however we can do it.
I plan to cut eating out (Yes “The Boo” will be paying for V-day dinner), Sally’s or any other product junkie fixes, and any other non bill or necessities. What are you going to cut out? For more information about the Challenge and Madame Frugalista herself, Ms. Natalie P. McNeal, click on the below link.
Join me for No-Buy Month
The holidays are now officially over!! I know most of us are still paying those lovely bills from our Holiday gift giving extravaganza. Not to worry. As we move into a new month let's regain our financial composure and start saving again with a little help from The Frugalista and her "No-Buy-Month" Challenge. Are you up for it?????
The plan is simple. All you have to do is cut out any unnecessary expenses for an entire month and what better month than February, the shortest month of the year. Now DIVAs I know for some of you shop-a-holics this could be compared to torture, however we can do it.
I plan to cut eating out (Yes “The Boo” will be paying for V-day dinner), Sally’s or any other product junkie fixes, and any other non bill or necessities. What are you going to cut out? For more information about the Challenge and Madame Frugalista herself, Ms. Natalie P. McNeal, click on the below link.
Join me for No-Buy Month
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Sunday Spark: Starting with the D.I.V.A in the Mirror
Happy Sunday DIVAs
Hope this finds everyone in great spirits!!! A big shout out to Kevin Clay and the rest of the fun crew who attended his birthday celebration!!!! Enjoy!!!
Be the change you want to see. Such a simple saying, yet probably the most difficult to do.
For 24 years of my life, I lived for many people. I did what was expected possibly to satisfy those that I love or in order to play it safe. Well in my 25th year, I decided it was my turn. I decided to kick fear and comfort to the curb and dive head first into the deepest end. I can honestly say today I feel better than I have in years because I am living for me. In this month alone I have accomplished more (physically, emotionally, mentally) than I did all of last year. It is the greatest feeling to have a sense of self. And while my journey is still beginning, as from what I’m told it truly never ends, I feel complete.
This clicked for me at 25. For some, it clicks at 18 or 21 and other s at 50 or 80. Whatever your time, do not let age be a hindrance. There is no expiration date on change and transformation. There may be more at stake as you get older in the form of family or professional responsibilities, but don’t let it stop you. You owe it to yourself to be the best you. You were put on this earth for a reason, to shine your light that you were blessed with. It’s up to you to turn on the switch. Marianne Williamson said it best in her book entitled, A Return to Love.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually who are we not to be? You are the child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Change is never easy and often times it is plain old uncomfortable for yourself and for those around you. Some will embrace your transformation and others won’t. Some will support you and others will try to deter you. Stay steadfast in your journey. It is then that you will be able to fully appreciate and embrace all of the ‘fabulousness’ that is you. Today is your day. Light the world up DIVAs!!!!
<3 Jade
Saturday, January 29, 2011
SIRve it Up Saturdays: Mr. Alrick Brown
![]() |
Alick Brown, Screen Writer Director Rutgers Alum |
Yesterday I was sent an article in the latest installment of Rutgers FOCUS and was excited to learn about Alrick Brown, a Rutgers Alum clearly on the rise to fame. (I must admit, the fact that he is Jamaican added additional excitement, shout out to all of my yardies).
Alrick Brown, screen writer, director, and part-time lecture, will have the honor of showcasing his latest film, "Kinyarwanda", at the Sundance Film Festival. This film, based on true accounts, depicts the lives of several Rwandans as they cross cultural and religious barriers to protect and save the lives of others during the 1994 genocides. When asked in the FOCUS to describe the film, Brown explained,
“It’s a story not many people know about,” Brown said in a telephone interview shortly before leaving for the Utah-based festival. “While many films have shown the politics and death during the genocide, Kinyarwanda is a movie about life, faith, forgiveness, and reconciliation.” Kudos to you Mr. Alrick Brown!!!! We wish you nothing but success SIR.
To read the complete FOCUS article go to http://news.rutgers.edu/focus/issue.2011-01-07.0343847457/article.2011-01-19.2680700973
Check out more about Mr. Alrick Brown at http://www.alricksporch.com/
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